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Chicks are on their way! Reserve your chicks now! Click on the buttons to use the printable worksheets, stop by, give us a call or shoot us an email. 

*Scheduled arrivals and pricing could change without notice from the supplier

2024 Chicks at-a-glance!

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Chick Sales Policy!

(Chick refers to all live baby poultry)


We make every effort to provide healthy chicks to our customers.  Once chicks leave the store, customer assumes full responsibility.  Chicks are non-returnable or refundable. We do reserve the right to delay chicks’ availability in order to evaluate them before releasing them if concern arises.  The facilities that provide our chicks are from Avian Flu Clean Certified hatcheries.


Please note:  While we do sell some poultry straight run (both male & female) The layers we offer are pullets (female only) and sexed by the hatchery prior to shipping.  According to the hatchery, there can be an error rate of up to 10%.  In the rare occurrence that the error rate exceeds 10%, we and/or the hatchery will refund the purchase price of the chicks that were roosters in excess of the 10%.  


Special Orders:  We are happy to accommodate special requests.  Pricing depends on availability and quantity.  We can order individual Rooster chicks as well.

Vaccine Information:  Cornish Cross chicks come automatically vaccinated.  All other poultry is only vaccinated upon request and is an additional cost.  We so have options for unvaccinated meat birds, slower growing and Red broilers.  


Chicks that are vaccinated should not be feed medicated chick starter.

2024 Chicks by Breed!

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Rhode Island Red Pullets $4.25


Characteristics: The Rhode Island Red is an American breed of domestic chicken. They lay an extra large brown egg, about 260 per year. Also a hardy duel purpose bird. 

Expected Arrival Dates: 


March 8

April 26


Speckled Sussex Pullets $4.25


Characteristics: Curious, chatty, friendly, loves being 'one of the family'. Kind and gentle - a great 'starter chicken' for children. Deals well with colder climates but also happy in the heat. Excellent foragers for free-ranging but also happy to be confined in a smaller space. They average 250 large brown eggs a year

Expected Arrival Dates: 


March 8

May 3


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Black Maran Sex Link Pullet $4.50



Characteristics: Friendly dual-purpose breed, very hardy. They lay an average of 300 dark brown eggs annually. 

Expected Arrival Dates: 


March 15

April 26




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New Hampshire Red Pullets $4.25


Characteristics: The New Hampshire is a family friendly bird, making great pets as they are easy to tame. They are a medium sized bird and can be aggressive when it comes to food. They lay an large brown egg, about 280 per year. Also a duel purpose bird. 

Expected Arrival Dates: 


March 15


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Assorted Banties Straight-run $4.25


Characteristics: A bantam is any small variety of fowl, usually of chicken or duck. Most large chicken breeds a have a bantam counterpart, which is much smaller than the standard-sized fowl, but otherwise similar in most or all respects. 

Expected Arrival Dates: 


March 15





Expected Arrival Dates: 


March 22




White Leghorn Pullet $4.25


Characteristics: White Leghorns are the top egg producers for white eggs. They are great for free range or pasture use. This breed is hardy, cold and heat tolerant and they also will not go broody. Their temperament can be nervous and flighty.

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Barred Plymouth Rock Pullets $4.25


Characteristics: Plymouth Rock are a duel purpose bird with a calm disposition, a good general farm chicken. They lay a large brown eggs while showing some broodiness.

Expected Arrival Dates: 


March 22

May 31



Silver Laced Wyandotte Pullet $4.25


Characteristics: Silver Laced Wyandottes are the original Wyandotte variety, and a wonderful example of American breeding. They are beautiful and productive. They are colorful, hardy, and hens are productive layers.

Expected Arrival Dates: 


March 22




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Hippy Chicks

Assorted Crested & Polish 

 Straight Run  $4.00


Characteristics: Their unique features include beards, puffy crests, feathered feet, long tails, and five toes on each foot. Primarily, they appear in white colors, which is the most common. However, there are other varieties in black and blue. In terms of size, they come in standard sizes and are excellent layers of medium sized white eggs

Expected Arrival Dates: 


March 28





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Silkies Straight-run $4.50


Characteristics: Calm, friendly and happy to be handled, silkie chickens have become an increasingly popular breed for backyard flocks. They are well known for their soft, fluffy plumage, this bantam breed is as cute as they come and although egg production is far less than what is seen from many breeds, for those interested in raising chickens as pets, silkies are worth consideration.

Expected Arrival Dates: 


March 28




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Easter Egger Pullets $4.50


Characteristics: They are exceptionally friendly, and comical, but they come in a wide variety of colors and patterns and lay eggs in a variety of shades. While their personalities are second to none, the reason most people add Easter Eggers to their flock is for the blue or green eggs.

Expected Arrival Dates: 


March 29​

May 24


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Lavender Orpington Pullet $5.00


Characteristics: They are a large fluffy, friendly hen – they have a profusion of feathers, making them seem much more significant than they are. They are known to be curious, docile, cuddly, and relatively intelligent, which makes them adorable!  They lay a medium to large brown egg. 

Expected Arrival Dates: 


April 5




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Bluff Plymouth Rock Pullets $4.25


Characteristics: Like the Barred Plymouth Rock, they are a duel purpose bird with a calm disposition, a good general farm chicken. They lay a large brown eggs while showing some broodiness.

Expected Arrival Dates: 


April 5


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Black Australorp Pullets $4.25


Characteristics: developed as a utility breed (both meat & eggs) with a focus on egg laying and is famous for laying more than 300 eggs. They are docile and hardy.

Expected Arrival Dates: 


April 5

May 24


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Partridge Plymouth Rock Pullets $4.25


Characteristics: Partridge Plymouth Rock Chickens are a popular breed of dual-purpose chickens for small, backyard farms.  They average 250 Large brown eggs per year.

Expected Arrival Dates: 


April 12



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Olive Egger Pullet $4.50


Characteristics: Because of the genetic diversity in Olive Eggers, there tend to be a lot of individualized personalities. But in general, Olive Eggers are friendly and mellow birds, getting along well with other breeds. They are savvy and intelligent and would be great additions to a small farm or homestead.  They are best know for their unique range of olive colored eggs.

Expected Arrival Dates: 


April 19​




Expected Arrival Dates: 


April 12




Golden Laced Wyandotte Pullet $4.25


Characteristics: Wyandotte chickens are a versatile breed. They're great layers, pets, show birds, and they're even good for meat. Dependable layers, even through the winter. 

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Buff Orpington Pullets $4.25


Characteristics: Another duel purpose bird with a calm disposition,  They lay a large brown eggs and do well free-ranging or confined

Expected Arrival Dates: 


April 19

May 24



Silver Leghorn Pullets $4.25


Characteristics: Silver Leghorn hens are good producers, laying medium-sized white eggs. This breed is very vigorous, quick and alert.

Expected Arrival Dates: 


April 24​


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Cream Legbar Pullet $5.00


Characteristics: Cream Legbars are friendly, easily handled, good layers, and one of the most highly sought after, rarest breeds in this country. Cream Legbar eggs are a beautiful blue, ranging from light blue to light turquoise. And while their eggs aren't jumbo, they lay prolifically.

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CreamLegbars egg_edited.jpg

Expected Arrival Dates: 


April 26





Brahma - Assorted Pullet $5.00


Characteristics:  The Brahma is a massive chicken but despite their size and intimidating appearance they are gentle giants. They make a wonderful additions to any flock and even help to defend the flock against smaller predators. Brahmas are elegant chickens that move with grace and purpose.  They are also good egg-layers for their size, producing up to 200 large eggs a year.

Expected Arrival Dates: 


May 3




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Amber Link Pullets $4.25


Characteristics: Amber Link's are another high egg production breed that is slightly larger than her sister breed, the Red Sexlink. They are great Foragers with a docile character, They are a very well balanced bird that lays nice medium size table eggs. They are docile and make great foragers.

Expected Arrival Dates: 


May 10




Delaware Pullet $4.25


Characteristics: the Delaware makes an excellent dual-purpose bird. It has well-developed egg and meat qualities, and a calm and friendly disposition. The breed is noted for rapid growth and chicks have fast feathering. Lays Brown large to Jumbo sized eggs.

Expected Arrival Dates: 


May 10




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Red Sex-link Pullet $4.25


Characteristics: Red Sex Links are a relatively calm and friendly breed. These chickens are excellent egg layers capable of laying around 300 eggs a year. 

Expected Arrival Dates: 


May 17




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Bernevelder Pullet $4.75​

Characteristics: The beautiful and hardy Barnevelder chicken has a lovely lace-like brown and black feather pattern. They are good layers, sit and rear their own young.  

Expected Arrival Dates: 


May 17




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Sapphire Blue Plymouth Rock Pullets $4.50


Characteristics: The Blue Plymouth Rock chicken is a cross between a native Andalusian male and a Plymouth Barred Rock female. This breeding profile ensures vigor, and results in stunning blue-gray and lavender plumage. Proficient producers, they lay about 260 per year.  this breed will thrive on any homestead! 

Expected Arrival Dates: 


May 17




Buckeye Pullets $4.50


Characteristics: Buckeyes are a dual-purpose chicken with deep mahogany plumage. This all American Breed is among the most cold-hardy of all breeds. Many who raise them also report that they are exceptionally friendly birds. They Lay an average of 200 medium sized brown eggs annually.

Expected Arrival Dates: 


May 31



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White Plymouth Rock Pullet $4.25


Characteristics: The Plymouth Rock is an American breed of domestic chicken. It was first seen in Massachusetts in the nineteenth century and for much of the early twentieth century was the most widely kept chicken breed in the United States. It is a dual-purpose bird, raised both for its meat and for its brown eggs.

Expected Arrival Dates: 


May 31




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Black Jersey Giant Pullets $5.00


Characteristics: Dual-Purpose Production: 240 X-Large Brown Eggs/Year Temperament: Docile, Easy Going Mature Weight: 8-9 lbs. Hardiness: Cold and Heat Hardy Broodiness: Occasionally Comb Type: Single Comb

Black Jersey Giant Chick Photo.png

Expected Arrival Dates: 


Jun 6




Golden Sex Link Pullets $4.25


Characteristics: Gold Sex-Links are a very gentle bird that will be consistent producer of large brown eggs. Since they are sex-linked the females chicks are streaked with red or gold and males chicks are solid white. You can expect 250-300 eggs per year. 

Expected Arrival Dates: 


June 6




Dominique Pullets $4.50


Characteristics: They are hardy, do well on open range as well as in confinement, are generally calm by nature and are easy to work with and show. They hatch well, feather early, mature young, and are of moderate size. The females are good mothers, reasonably good layers of light to dark brown, and show less tendency toward broodiness than many other exhibition breeds.

Expected Arrival Dates: 


June 6



Ducks            Geese           Turkeys

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 Buff Duck  $7.95


Characteristics: The American Buff or Buff Orpington Duck is a breed of domestic duck. It is a dual-purpose breed used for meat and egg production. It is capable of laying up to 220 eggs a year.

Expected Arrival Dates: 


March 29





Cayuga  $8.50


Characteristics: The Cayuga is one of the hardiest of the domestic ducks and are easily tamed if hand-raised. They average 7 to 8 pounds are great at foraging. The meat of the Cayuga is reputed to be of excellent taste and fine quality. Cayuga ducks can lay 100 to 150 eggs per year that can be used for general eating and baking purposes. Eggs are initially black in color, but as the season progresses, egg color lightens to white. The plumage of the Cayuga is uniformly greenish-black and may become mottled with white as they age.

Expected Arrival Dates: 


March 29




Assorted Runner  $7.95


Characteristics: Runner Ducks are tall, slender,  waterfowl with an upright stance. The varieties of Indian Runner Ducks, have a slightly nervous temperament and tend to run clustered together as a group.

Expected Arrival Dates: 


March 29




Rouen  $7.95


Characteristics: The Rouen is a heavy weight breed which originated in France. They have a similar coloration to a Mallard, however are much larger.  Males have a fall weight of 8 to 9 pounds and females are 6 to 7 pounds. Eggs: Rouens produce 140 to 180 duck eggs per year.


Expected Arrival Dates: 


May 3




Khaki Campbell  $7.95


Characteristics: The Khaki Campbell is one of the more popular duck breeds due to its excellent egg production.

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Expected Arrival Dates: 


May 3




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White Pekin  $7.95


Characteristics:  The Pekin or White Pekin is an American breed of domestic duck. It is a large domestic duck with pure white feathers with orange legs and bills. Ducklings will hatch in the famous bright yellow color.

Expected Arrival Dates: 


May 3


Embdem Geese $16.95


Characteristics: Embden geese are the tallest and heaviest of the domesticated geese breeds. Their bodies are stocky and round, with short legs and tails.


Expected Arrival Dates: 


May 17




Toulouse  $16.95


Characteristics:  It is the largest breed of goose, adults sometimes weighing in at close to 30 pounds.  The Toulouse is one of the most hardy and easy to care for geese. Accustomed to free ranging in farmyards, production Toulouse are good foragers and can withstand cold winters and hot summers.


Expected Arrival Dates: 


May 17




American Buff  $17.95


Characteristics: Buff geese are a calm and friendly breed and they can be used for dual purpose. The breed is the largest of the medium-weight class of geese with mature ganders weighing 18 lbs. and mature geese weighing 16 lbs. 


Expected Arrival Dates: 


May 17





Royal Palm Heritage Turkey $15.20


Characteristics: The Royal Palm turkeys are relatively smaller sized birds with very beautiful appearance. They are mainly white in coloration with sharply contrasting metallic black edging on the feathers. They  are active birds, thrifty, excellent seekers, good fliers, males are characterized by being non-aggressive, females are generally very good mothers, hens lay pale cream to medium brown eggs with spots, they are also good as pets.

Expected Arrival Dates: 


April 19




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Bourbon Red Heritage Turkey $15.20


Characteristics: many say this Heritage breed turkey is one of the most beautiful turkey varieties. Bourbon Red turkeys will not grow as large, or as fast, as the broad breasted commercial turkeys.

Expected Arrival Dates: 


April 19



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Blue Slate Heritage Turkey $15.20


Characteristics: The Blue Slate Turkey is considered a rare, heritage turkey that naturally reproduces. These turkeys are medium sized with beautiful, solid slate or pale blue to gray plumage.   Blue Slate Turkeys are friendly, cold hardy and excellent foragers.

Expected Arrival Dates: 


April 19





Breasted White Turkey $12.25


Characteristics: The Broad Breasted White turkeys are large sized birds and they have been bred for providing a meaty carcass with more breast meat than any other turkey breeds. They are generally complete white in coloration with pink legs, a black beards, and red carnucling. The poults or baby birds are generally of yellow color.

Expected Arrival Dates: 


June 12




Breasted Bronze Turkey $13.95


Characteristics: Very beautiful, strong and hardy birds, docile temperament, today raised mainly for meat production, long lived birds, slower to grow than then White.

Expected Arrival Dates: 


June 12


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Slow White Broiler $3.25 (unvaccinated)


Characteristics:  Slow growing broilers, as the name suggests, are breeds that take longer to reach slaughter weight, normally 52 – 81 days compared to 35 – 42 days for their fast-growing counterparts. However, they can be more hardy and naturally reproduce.

Expected Arrival Dates: 


April 26

May 24



Red Ranger $3.25 (unvaccinated)


Characteristics:  Red Ranger Chickens might be exactly what your farm needs as they can lay eggs and provide you with good meat.  Red Rangers are a good-sized, broiler chicken mainly used for meat and can also supply a decent amount of eggs. They make a good in between of the fast growing typical meat birds like Cornish cross and the slower growing dual purpose birds.

Expected Arrival Dates: 


April 27

June 6



Cornish Cross  $2.25 (vaccinated)


Characteristics: Cornish Cross are a fast growing Meat bird.  We order monthly March thru September according to reservations.  Stop in or call with your order.

Expected Arrival Dates:


March 13

April 10

May 8

June 12





American White Bresse $8.95 (unvaccinated)


Characteristics:  Although they are not the largest bird for meat, they are known in European countries to be “the best tasting chicken in the world.” During the fattening process they are able to produce a marbling effect like beef, making their meat succulent, tender and have an intense flavor. With their bright red combs and steel blue legs they are known as the red, white and blue chicken. Developed in France 500 years ago, they are excellent layers of medium to large light brown eggs. The hens will start producing around 4-5 months of age. They are cold hearty, predator savvy, and exceptional foragers. As chicks they will have yellow legs but turn blue as they mature. The hens average 5 lbs. and the rooster 7 lbs.

Credit: Dunlap Hatchery

Expected Arrival Dates: 


Feb 16


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